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Parameter, Type, Related\\ Global, Default, Input\\ Output, Description
*name*, String, , , Input, "Task name. If not provided, a name will be generated. The name may also be constructed from other parameters by *addTaskClosure* processing."
*description*, String, , , Input, "Description used to aid task documentation."
*onlyIf*, Boolean\\ Closure, , , Input, "Gradle *onlyIf* support to determine if the task should be run or not."
*inline*, Closure, , , Input, "Groovy closure that is run when the task is run. The result of the closure is the result of the task with some exceptions - null or true is converted to 0 and false is converted to -1. Either *inline* or *cmd* must be provided or generated from other parameters. *inline* takes precedence over *cmd*."
*cmd*, String\\ Closure, , , Input, "Command to run. Usually constructed based on other parameters by a command generator set via *setCommandGenerator* or *cmdGenerator* task parameter."
*cmdGenerator*, Closure, (/), , Input, "Command generator closure used to generate *cmd* parameter from other parameters. The closure has task as a parameter."
*expected*, Integer\\ Boolean\\ Closure, , 0, Input, "This is one condition for a task being considered successful - the result value must equal the expected result. Expected result or return code from running the cmd or inline code. True is consider to be 0 and false is considered to be -1. Unix and Windows differences on negative return code values are tolerated to behave as expected. This means, for example, -1 (Windows) is equivalent to 255 (Unix). A one parameter closure can also be specified. The closure will get the result code as a parameter and must return true if the value is the expected result or false otherwise."
*ignoreFailure*, Boolean, , false, Input, "Report the task as successful even if it fails."
*level*, List\\ Integer\\ Boolean\\ other, , , Input, "Used to determine if this task should be run or skipped. It is compared to run *level*, *includeLevels*, and *excludeLevels*. Use *false* to skip this task, however, it is recommended to use the *onlyIf* parameter for this purpose available with Gint3."
*end*, List\\ Integer\\ Boolean\\ other, , , Input, "Used to determine if this task should be run or skipped. It is compared to run *level*, *includeLevels*, and *excludeLevels*. Use *false* to skip this task, however, it is recommended to use the *onlyIf* parameter for this purpose available with Gint3."
*dependsOn*, String\\ List\\ Boolean, , , Input, "Task names that must run before this task. True means depends on previous task in definition order. Tasks listed are started and ended prior to this task being started. Note *dependentNotRequired* task parameter and *ignoreDepends* parameter affect behavior of this value."
*mustRunAfter*, String\\ List\\ Boolean, , , Input, "Task names that must run after this task. True means depends on previous task in definition order." 
*mustRunBefore*, String\\ List, , , Input, "Task names that must run before this task." 
*env*, Map\\ List, , , Input, "Environment variables for cmd base tests. Either a map of key/value pairs or a list of key=value strings."
*neededBy*, String\\ List\\ Boolean, , , Input, "This task must be started and ended prior to any of the tasks or targets named by this parameter. Essentially, this is equivalent to listing this task on the *dependsOn* parameter of each of the tasks listed. True means this task must be started and ended prior to any other task or target. If true is specified for *neededBy* on multiple tasks, these tasks are run in order." 
*startNext*, String, , , Input, "Queues the task named to be started as soon as the current task completes. Provides a way to do follow-up processing to do additional validation or similar. This is like a reverse dependency. The task to be started must satisfy all the normal pre-conditions before it is actually started." 
*ignoreDependsResult*, Boolean, (/), , Input, "When true, do not skip task if a depends on task has failed or was skipped. Default behavior is determined by *ignoreDependsResult* global parameter."
*complete*, Boolean, , false, Input, "True to complete this task before starting any other tasks."
*group*, String\\ List, , , Input, "Name of a group target. A target will be created that depends on any task specifying this name on the group parameter. This is useful especially when generating tasks and needing a dependent target for the generated targets."
*order*, Integer, , Integer.MAX_VALUE, Input, "Run order. Normally, tasks are selected for starting in the order they were defined except where dependencies force earlier running. The order parameter can be used to change the order tasks are selected for starting. The default sort order starts lower order tasks first. Explicit ordering is especially useful getting better performance for running generated tasks in an order that prevents dependencies from reducing the effectiveness of parallel running. The sort order can be also be customized by defining a *sortClosure* in the script using *setSortClosure*."
*retry*, Integer\\ Boolean, , 0, Input, "Number of times the task will be retried on failure. Useful for tasks that access external resources that may be temporarily unavailable or experience isolated random failures. Defaults to 1 if any of the other retry parameters are set."
*retrySleep*, Integer, , 1000, Input, "Time in milliseconds to wait before retrying a failed task."
*retryData*, String\\ Pattern\\ Closure\\ List, , , Input, Data used to match to task *outData* to determine if a retry should be done. The task *outData* must contain *all* of the listed elements. The behavior is similar to how the *fail* parameter works.  
*retryCancelData*, String\\ Pattern\\ Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Data used to match to task *outData* to determine if a retry should be cancelled. The task *outData* must *not* contain *any* of the listed elements. The behavior is similar to how the *failData* parameter works."
*retryClosure*, Closure, , , Input, "Closure that will be called if the task has failed and other retry parameters indicate a retry should be attempted. It has the opportunity to modify task data prior to the task being rerun. This includes resetting the cmd parameter for cmd tasks. If the cmd parameter was generated with a command generator, use *task.cmd = null* to reset it and then gint.getCmd(task) to regenerate it. It should return true to have the retry be done, anything else will stop the retry process from continuing and the task will fail. The closure will be called with task as parameter."   
*data*, String\\ Pattern\\ Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Data used to match to task *outData*. All data elements in the list must match for the task to be considered successful."
*failData*, String\\ Pattern\\ Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Data used to match to task *outData*. No data elements in the list can be found in *outData*, otherwise the task will be considered failed."
*patternFlag*, Integer, , 0, Input, "Match pattern flag. Example: *Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE*. A bit mask that may include CASE_INSENSITIVE, MULTILINE, DOTALL, UNICODE_CASE, and CANON_EQ. See information under [Java Pattern Class|]. Used when string matches are requested."
*timeout*, Integer, (/), , Input, "Time limit in milliseconds for a task to complete before it is declared failed. Use a negative timeout value to wait forever. Defaults to global *timeout* parameter."
*output*, Map\\ List, , , Input, "Map of parameters used to do further analysis of file output produced by the running of the task. Or a List of maps each one representing a file and it data validation parameters."
*output.file*, String, , task.file or <outputDirectory>/<>, Input, "File name for output file that needs to be analyzed."
**, String\\ Pattern\\ Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Similar to *data*, except applied to the output file data."
*output.failData*, String\\ Pattern\\ Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Similar to *failData*, except applied to the output file data."
*output.patternFlag*, Integer, , 0, Input, "Same as *patternFlag* above, except applied to the output file data."
*compare*, Map\\ Boolean, , , Input, "*Future support*. File compare request. Map provides the parameters for the compare. Requires appropriate *diff* command on system. When true, defaults will be used for the comparison."
*compare.fileName*, String, , <>, Input, "Simple file name for the default case."
*compare.file1*, String, , <compareDirectory>/<compare.fileName>, Input, "First file name for comparison. Usually represents the expected file output. If this is a directory name, the entire directory will be compared."
*compare.file2*, String, , <outputDirectory>/<compare.fileName>, Input, "Second file name for comparison. Usually represents the new file output. If this is a directory name, the entire directory will be compared."
*compare.expected*, Integer, , 0, Input, "Expected number of line differences. Comparison is considered successful if the number of differences is less than or equal to this number."
*compare.fileDiff*, Boolean\\ String, , , Output, "True will generate a difference file with a default name (<outputDirectory>/<>.diff). Or a specific file name can be provided for the resulting difference file output."
*startClosure*, Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Closure that will be called just after the task has started or restarted, before any other processing for this task. It has the opportunity to modify task data prior to the task running. Normally should return true. If the result of the closure is false, the task will not be run. The closure will be called with task as parameter."
*resultClosure*, Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Closure called after the result from running the command or inline code has been determined. The closure must accept a single parameter (the task) and return a result used to set the task.result field. It has the opportunity to do further analysis of the task data and modify the result."
*successClosure*, Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Closure that will be called after the task is considered successful including matching with the expected result and successful outcome from running all comparisons that were requested. It is not called for failed tasks. It has the opportunity to do further analysis of the task data and return true if it determines that task has been successful. A false return will cause the task to be considered failed. The closure will be called with task as parameter."
*finalClosure*, Closure\\ List, , , Input, "Closure that is always called. It cannot affect the outcome of the task. It is called just after task success has been determined and provides the opportunity to access task data for information that can be used in other tasks. An assert or exception failure in a final closure will cause the entire test to be marked as failed. The closure will be called with task as parameter." 
*im*, List\\ Map\\ Boolean, , false, Input, "*Future support*. Instant message request(s). See [Feature - Interactive testing]."
*sleep*, Integer, , 0, Input, "Sleep time in milliseconds before the task is started. tasks will not be started or ended until the sleep completes."
*sleepAfter*, Integer, , 0, Input, "Sleep time in milliseconds after the task is finished. tasks will not be started or ended until the sleep completes."
*standardInput*, String\\ Closure, , , Input, "Standard input data that is sent to the process running the task command."
*tearDown*, String\\ List, , , Input, "List of task names that should be run before this task is run when global setUp and tearDown has not been run. Allows for repeated run of a single task that has tearDown requirements."
*isSetUp*, Boolean, , false, Input, "When true, this task is considered a setUp task."
*isTearDown*, Boolean, , false, Input, "When true, this task is considered a tearDown task."
*shell*, Boolean, , true, Input, "By default, commands will be run using the platform's command shell. Specify false to run the command as an executable."
*cmdLog*, Boolean, , true, Input, "Use false to exclude the task from command logging when cmd logging is requested (cmdLog test parameter)."
