Release notes 1.0.0
This is the first external release of the GINT framework. GINT has been under development in its current form since 2009 based on earlier related works supporting the testing needs for various open source projects by the author. Projects include tools and plugins for Atlassian products.
Testcases should be easy to declare and self documenting. Often, simple extensions to GINT make it possible to support different use cases and test requirements while maintaining this simplicity. There are a number of ways GINT supports extensions and customization.
Extension points or exits
testcase specific resultClosure, successClosure, and finalClosure extensions
Included extensions supporting testing of:
Shell (bat, bash, etc...) scripts
Java scripts - Command generator for JAVA
Groovy scripts - Command generator for GROOVY
Gant scripts - Command generator for GANT
Atlassian command line interface (CLI) testing - Command generator for Atlassian
Confluence command line interface (CLI) testing - Command generator for Confluence
Confluence macro testing. More ...
JIRA command line interface (CLI) testing - Command generator for Jira
Dynamic Groovy makes it possible to override or change specific GINT behavior with minimal coding.
Extend GINT source code
Minimal development dependencies
Includes a set of GINT based integration tests
Development tested on Windows, Linux, and Mac
GINT is Open Source
License is Apache License 2.0. More ...
Code contributions are welcome. More ...
Development version control uses Mercurial
GINT - BitBucket repository
JIRA is used for bugs, issues, improvement requests, and support requests
GINT is tested on the following client platforms:
Mac 10.6.4
Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Linux Ubuntu 9
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