Atlassian Plugin Install
On this page
This is a tool to help automate installing plugins (add-ons) on Atlassian servers. It is a selenium based approach and can be fragile with respect to UI changes in the application or UPM. We have tried to minimize those exposures.
Drives a UPM browser interface (Selenium)
Installs obr (first choice) or jar
Finds most likely obr or jar found in a directory list defaulting to target and current directory
Can install directly from Marketplace using one or more marketplace keys (comma separated list)
Alias support - see below
Support standard install plugin set (based on aliases set)
Use -DmpKey=all
Supports latest versions of Confluence (5.2+), JIRA (6.0+), and Bamboo (5.3+). Stash support will come later.
Needs later versions of UPM.
* Copyright (c) 2014 Appfire Technologies, LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Selenium script to install a plugin from a file or url or marketplace.
* This uses a browser (firefox by default) specified by -Dbrowser=... (firefox, safari, chrome, ie)
* See HELP section below
@Grab(group='', module='gint', version='2.1.0')
@Grab(group='org.seleniumhq.selenium', module='selenium-java', version='2.43.0')
@Grab(group='org.seleniumhq.selenium', module='selenium-firefox-driver', version='2.43.0')
@Grab(group='org.seleniumhq.selenium', module='selenium-chrome-driver', version='2.43.0')
@Grab(group='org.seleniumhq.selenium', module='selenium-safari-driver', version='2.43.0')
@Grab(group='org.seleniumhq.selenium', module='selenium-ie-driver', version='2.43.0') // not tested
import org.openqa.selenium.*
includeTool << Helper // helper utilities
includeTool << SeleniumHelperForAtlassian
includeTool << Gint
message 'help', """\n
This will try to do the right thing with minimal parameters by using standard project defaults.
server: required - either direct server url or extended lookup value (via
user: optional - server login credentials defaulting to admin
password: optional - server login credentials defaulting to admin
application: optional - Atlassian application name like confluence, jira; defaults to looking for appropriate server or mpKey text indicators
plugin: optional - file name or url path; if not provided, a search for an obr (first) or jar (second) will be done in directory list
mpKey: optional - comma separated list of marketplace keys or aliases, takes precedence over plugin; ALL special value for all matching aliases
version: optional - marketplace version build number, only use if you need something other than latest version
directory: optional - place to look for an obr or jar file; if not provided target and current directory are searched
aliasNamePattern: optional - allows for mpKey alias names in to map to mp keys
aliasValuePattern: optional - subset mpKeys by value to restrict to a particular application (for instance) when doing ALL processing
${this.getClass().getName()} -Dserver=http://imac2.local:1990
${this.getClass().getName()} -Dserver=http://imac2.local:1990 -DmpKey=csot -Dapplication=jira
${this.getClass().getName()} -Dserver=http://imac2.local:1990 -Duser=xxx -Dpassword=xxx
${this.getClass().getName()} -Dserver=confluenceCli3 -Dplugin=downloads/bobswift-wiki-markup-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
// mp key aliases are provided in a resource based so you can use mpKey=all
// resourceDirectory = '/sde/tools/src/main/resources' // for tools, this is a better directory than the itest default
gint.initialize(this) // required, standard selenium test name
gint.setStopOnFail() // stop if some of the initial validation fails
def parameters = [
serverRaw: helper.getRequiredParameterValue('server'), // raw input without extended lookup used for application determination
server: helper.getParameterValueWithExtendedLookup('server'),
application: helper.getParameterValue('application'),
plugin: helper.getParameterValue('plugin'),
mpKey: helper.getParameterValue('mpKey')?.toLowerCase(),
version: helper.getParameterValue('version'),
directory: helper.getParameterValue('directory'),
pollingCount: helper.getParameterValue('pollingCount', 24) // local systems should complete install < 2 minutes = 24*5 seconds
if (parameters.application == null) {
def convertedMpKey = helper.getParameterValue('mp_' + parameters.mpKey) // do a default conversion and see if that help figure out the application
parameters.application = seleniumHelper.findApplication([parameters.server, parameters.serverRaw, parameters.mpKey, convertedMpKey])
parameters += [
aliasNamePattern: helper.getParameterValue('aliasNamePattern', 'mp_(.*)'), // default, just use the portion after mp_ for the alias
aliasValuePattern: helper.getParameterValue('aliasValuePattern', parameters.application == null ? null : /.*${parameters.application}.*/), // for ALL processing
helper.vLogWithFormat('parameters', parameters)
// It is much better to pre-validate parameters as much as possible BEFORE going to selenium and it failing after a long period of time
// If there is bad input, this will cause the test to fail prior to setup
validatedParameters = seleniumHelper.getValidatedInstallParameters(parameters)
helper.logWithFormat('install', validatedParameters)
// Selenium clean up
target(name: 'final', description: 'Close the driver at the final stage of the script', prehook: [], posthook: []) {
seleniumHelper.getInitializeTestcase(), // Selenium initialize
seleniumHelper.getLoginTestcase(server: parameters.server, application: parameters.application, adminLogin: true)
if (validatedParameters.mpKeySet == null) {
name: 'install', description: 'Go to UPM and find upload link',
inline: { testcase ->
} else {
// this means that all installs will be attempted even if there is one of the installs fail.
validatedParameters.mpKeySet.each { mpKey ->
gint.setStopOnFail(false) // now we want to continue even if one fails
name: 'install_' + mpKey, description: 'install for marketplace key: ' + mpKey,
group: 'install',
inline: {
seleniumHelper.installPlugin(validatedParameters + [mpKeySet: null, mpKey: mpKey])
name: 'simulate', description: 'Output what would be installed if the install was run normally.', // helps with testing validate
inline: { testcase ->
if (validatedParameters.plugin != null) {
message 'simulate', validatedParameters.plugin
validatedParameters.mpKeySet.each { mpKey ->
message 'simulate', mpKey
return true
gint.finalizeTest() // required
Aliases make it easier by not having to remember their marketplace key. Need something like the following in your file. A separate file in your src/main/resources directory is the most convenient.
Built-in Aliases
Example Aliases
# Marketplace key aliases - map project key to mp key for plugins.
# Note that the alias is the part AFTER mp_. So reference is cache, run, navigation etc....
# Used for piui at least
mp_bclip = org.swift.bamboo.acli
mp_bgtp = org.swift.bamboo.groovy
mp_cache = org.swift.confluence.cache
mp_ccli = org.swift.confluence.acli
mp_cmsp = org.swift.confluence.macrosecurity
mp_codepro = com.appfire.confluence.codepro
mp_csot = org.swift.jira.cot
mp_cvp = org.swift.confluence.visio
mp_cw =
mp_cwp =
mp_flash = org.swift.confluence.flash
mp_gviz = com.atlassian.confluence.extra.graphviz
mp_html = org.swift.confluence.html
mp_jclip = org.swift.jira.acli
mp_jcpp = org.swift.jira.clone-plus
mp_markdown = org.swift.confluence.markdown
mp_run =
mp_sclip = org.swift.stash.acli
mp_scrp = org.swift.confluence.script
mp_sql = org.swift.confluence.sql
mp_tbl = org.swift.confluence.table
mp_xl = org.swift.confluence.excel
## Use confluence in the value for any so it will be selected for all processing
## 3rd party and used in tests - confluence, source editor is just a convenience
mp_content-formatting = com.adaptavist.confluence.contentFormattingMacros
mp_linking = net.customware.confluence.plugin.linking
mp_reporting = net.customware.confluence.plugin.reporting
mp_navigation = com.pentec.confluence.navigation
mp_metadata = org.andya.confluence.plugins.metadata
mp_confluence3rdParty = content-formatting, linking, reporting, navigation, metadata, source-editor, questions, confluence
## 3rd party and used in tests - jira
mp_jira-suite-utilities = com.googlecode.jira-suite-utilities
mp_jira3rdParty = jira-suite-utilities, agile, service-desk
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