How to test Hello World

How to test Hello World


How to test a simple groovy program that produces output.

println 'Hello World'
@GrabResolver(name='atlassian', root='https://maven.atlassian.com/content/groups/public/') @Grab(group='org.swift.tools', module='gint', version='1.4.0') import org.swift.tools.* includeTool << Gint gint.initialize(this) // required gint.setCmdGenerator('groovy', [file: 'helloWorld.groovy']) // set default cmd generator to call the script gint.add(name: 'hello', data: 'Hello World') // confirm that Hello World is produced by the script gint.finalizeTest() // final preparations for running tests
gant -f helloWorldTest.gant = = = = = = helloWorldTest started at Fri Feb 25 21:13:08 CST 2011 = = = = = = [start] hello [ending] hello [complete] hello - 1.179 secs [info] Successful testcases . . . . . . . . . . : 1 <<< TEST SUCCESSFUL [info] Total testcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 [info] Elapsed run time . . . . . . . . . . . . : 3.054 secs = = = = = = helloWorldTest completed at Fri Feb 25 21:13:09 CST 2011 = = = = = = BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 5.53 seconds

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