Feature - Database Output
Tired of inadequate reporting of all your tests? CI reporting is great for single projects but what about higher level reporting of all your projects? What about all the things that get hidden or have low visibility in your CI like quarantined tests and retry attempts? This optional feature is available to automatically directly update database tables for runs that contain more detailed information than possible with simple JUnit type reports.
Simply provide database configuration information on the dbReport parameter and define the necessary tables in your database. While you can do this on an individual test run, we recommend adding it to your system gint.properties file
We use and recommend PostgreSQL, but other standard JDBC databases will work as well just like other GINT database support. The database table definitions must be compatible with the Postgres create table definitions below.
dbReport=dbUrl = jdbc:postgresql://database.examplegear.com:5432/tests | dbUser = automation | dbPassword = ***
There is also optional support for logging commands similar to using the cmdLog parameter for text logging. Add the logTable name to the configuration.
dbReport=dbUrl = jdbc:postgresql://database.examplegear.com:5432/tests | dbUser = automation | dbPassword = *** | logTable = gint_logs
Database Tables
CREATE TABLE gint_runs
id serial,
test_name text NOT NULL,
start_time timestamp with time zone,
end_time timestamp with time zone,
elapsed_seconds numeric(9,3),
gint_version text,
run_repository text,
run_build text,
run_version text,
run_environment text,
skipped_levels text,
auto_retry integer,
successful integer,
failed integer,
not_run integer,
skipped integer,
total integer,
restarted_successful integer,
restarted_failed integer,
setup_successful integer,
setup_failed integer,
setup_not_run integer,
setup_skipped integer,
setup_total integer,
teardown_successful integer,
teardown_failed integer,
teardown_not_run integer,
teardown_skipped integer,
teardown_total integer,
work_directory text,
ip_address text,
os text,
os_version text,
java_version text,
CONSTRAINT gint_runs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE gint_logs
id serial,
run_id integer,
testcase_name text,
start_time timestamp with time zone,
end_time timestamp with time zone,
elapsed_seconds numeric(9,3),
is_set_up boolean,
is_tear_down boolean,
cmd_log boolean,
cmd text,
level text,
result integer,
expected integer,
ignore_failure boolean,
success boolean,
restart_count integer,
CONSTRAINT gint_logs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
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