Feature - Interactive Testing


In many cases, it is not practical to have fully automated tests. Manual and semi-automated testing is common practice. This can be resource intensive and be a significant time constraint in the software development lifecycle. Result reporting is either missing, manual, or poorly done. GINT interactive testing support is intended to:

  1. Help convert manual tests into semi-automated tests
  2. Help formalize and document manual or semi-automated tests
  3. Make it easier for less experienced resources to run manual tests in a structured way
  4. Provide standard reporting similar to automated tests

GINT uses an instant message (IM) service to allow tests to interact with a tester at appropriate times when manual intervention is required. Manual intervention could include:

  1. Running manual steps to setup for a testcase
  2. Determining if a testcase can be run at this time
  3. Verifying results after a testcase run
  4. Restarting a testcase after a failure

GINT allows for any testcase to define instructions and control interactions with a tester. Manual testcases can be inter-mixed with fully automated testcases in test scripts - subsets can be used to control specific runs to include or exclude interactive testcases.


  1. XMPP IM service with appropriate user accounts
    • At least 2 accounts, one for the automation to use and one for the user running the tests
    • Tested services
  2. Smack API jars - on classpath using similar techniques as described in Installation and Dependencies
    • Examples below are shown using Grape


Testcase definitions can optionally specify the im parameter to make the testcase an interactive testcase. The following describes the parameters that control this behavior.



 * Interactive GINT test
 * - requires imConfig defined in a profile
 * - example config like in src/itest/resources/gintIm.properties
 *      gmailUser = sometester@gmail.com            (IM will be sent to this user)
 *      gmailUser2 = automationaccount@gmail.com    (GINT automation uses this account to send IM)
 *      gmailPassword = xxxxxx
 *      gmailPassword2 = xxxxxx
 *      imConfig_code  = [name: 'gtalk', to: '${gmailUser}', host: 'talk.google.com', \
 *                        service: 'gmail.com', userName: '${gmailUser2}', userPassword: '${gmailPassword2}' ]
 * Run using: gant -f interactiveExample.gant

 * Needs access to smack api functions on classpath. This does it automatically, or you can use other classpath techniques.
    @Grab(group='jivesoftware', module='smack',  version='3.1.0'),
    @Grab(group='jivesoftware', module='smackx', version='3.1.0'),

import org.swift.tools.*

includeTool << Gint           // test framework

profiles = 'gintIm' // needs to define imConfig

gint.initialize(this) // required

gint.add('basic', [
    [name: 'simple', inline: { }, im: true],  // default content, before test is run
    [name: 'manualTest1', inline: { }, im: [content: "Instructions for running manualTest1"]],
    [name: 'manualVerify', description: 'Please verify GOOD appears in the log',
         inline: { println '>>>GOOD<<<'; return true },
         im: [after: true]],  // interact with user after the test code has run

gint.finalizeTest() // required - final preparations for running tests


gant interactiveExample.gant

= = = = = =   interactiveexample started at Sun Oct 10 09:52:39 CDT 2010   = = = = = =

    [start] simple
 [response] s
    [start] manualTest1
 [response] s
    [start] manualVerify (Please verify GOOD appears in the log)
   [ending] simple
 [complete] simple - 4.321 secs

   [ending] manualTest1
 [complete] manualTest1 - 2.216 secs

   [ending] manualVerify (Please verify GOOD appears in the log)
 [response] s
 [complete] manualVerify - 2.115 secs

     [info] Successful testcases  . . . . . . . . . . : 3    <<< TEST SUCCESSFUL
     [info] Total testcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 3
     [info] Elapsed run time  . . . . . . . . . . . . : 22.486 secs

= = = = = =   interactiveexample completed at Sun Oct 10 09:53:00 CDT 2010 = = = = = =

Total time: 23.95 seconds
imac:gint bob$ 

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