Feature - Bitbucket testing


Included with GINT is an extension that providessimple testing or automation of Atlassian Bitbucket® capabilities and plugins. This extension is also an example of how the GINT framework can be extended to provide integration testing of diverse environments.


  1. SCLI - installed on the client running the test

How does it work?

Testcases use the Bitbucket command generator that produces the necessary CLI commands based on relatively simple testcase parameters relating to Stash testing. Helper functions provide ways to retrieve Stash server information and project keys.


  1. Functions are provided to do some standard things for macro testing
    • getDeleteProjectTestcase and getDeleteProjectsTestcase - normally used for tearDown
    • getProjectName and setProjectName - normally just use the default name constructed from prefix and test name
    • getProjectKey and setProjectKey - normally just use the default key constructed from the space name
    • isServerAvailable and getServerInfo - for getting version and other information about the configured Stash server
  2. See dependencies above. GINT requires the stashCli property be defined and point to the CLI - normally set in the user's or project's gint.properties file.


This example is from the GINT integration test. It includes code to bypass the test if suitable Stash configuration is not available allowing allowing the integration test to run error free on any system.


  • includeTool << org.swift.tools.GintForStash includes the gint framework with special extensions for Stash testing.


See stashTest.gant

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